Wednesday, 27 November 2013

AXA Research Fund 2014 Postdoctoral Campaign - Internal deadline 4th Dec 2013 - External deadline 16th Dec 2013

Dear Colleague
The University has successfully passed the 1st round of the selection process of the AXA Research Fund 2014 Post-Doctoral campaign. Therefore, we are allowed to submit one Post-Doctoral candidate to this years’ competition. As we expect more than one application to be the nominated candidate, an internal sift is required. Please submit a three page outline, to include a brief curriculum vitae and details of the proposed project, by Wednesday 4 December.
Candidates must have defended their PhD thesis before the beginning of the grant and must be less than 5 years since awarding of their first PhD. Extensions to this eligibility criteria may be allowed where there has been a career break.

 Projects funded by the AXA Research Fund must be related to one of the general topics listed below:

 ·         Environmental risks

o   Climate change, from glacier retreat to sea-level rise.

o   Natural hazards, from earth hazards to atmospheric and space-weather phenomena.

o   Human-driven environmental changes such as urban pollution, nanotechnologies or pesticide exposure.

·         Life risks

o   Aging and long-term care, e.g. trends in individual longevity, age-related diseases, population demographics.

o   Biomedical risks, from the analysis and evolution of infectious diseases and pandemics to exposure to new technologies.

o   Addictions and risky behaviours, from the perspectives of psychology, biology, medicine, etc.

·         Socio-economic Risks

o   Geopolitical risks, e.g. access to natural resources, international and civil conflicts, political upheavals, international security.

o   Macro-economic and financial systemic risks, i.e. all uncertainties affecting the aggregate behaviour of the economy.

o   Individual and collective behaviours towards uncertainty.

o   Large corporate risks, from internal corporate governance risks to threats and challenges inherent to the corporate environment.



James Evans
Senior Research Policy Officer
Research Strategy & Support Team
Research & Business Engagement Support Services
University of Manchester
Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9PL
Tel: 0161 275 2194
Fax: 0161 275 2445

Thursday, 7 November 2013

School-University Partnerships Initiative (SUPI): Training & Funding Opportunity

Would you like the opportunity to develop an outreach activity and engage with a secondary school in  Greater Manchester? Are you passionate about your subject area? Are you interested in bringing your cutting edge research into the classroom?  Then the School-University Partnerships Initiative (SUPI) might be for you!


School-University Partnerships Initiative (SUPI): Training & Funding Opportunity

Thursday 21 November 2013, 9:30 – 16:45, Staff House, The University of Manchester


This opportunity is open to early career researchers (PhDs, Research Staff and New Academics with little or no experience of school outreach.


A one-day interactive cross-faculty workshop for researchers exploring the why, what and how of engaging with schools. You'll get to meet researchers involved in school outreach, hear from secondary teachers who collaborate with researchers to deliver outreach activities, and work up your own ideas. Following the workshop taking place on Thursday 21 November 2013 you will be able to apply for seed funding to develop and take your activity into a school in early 2014. 


The Dragon’s Den pitching session will be held on Wednesday 8 January 2014. If your idea is selected at the pitching session you will be matched up with a local secondary school.


And you will be supported along the way with drop-in surgeries, where you can talk through the development of your ideas with experienced engaging researchers. 


More details and applications at:


What is the School-University Partnerships Initiative (SUPI)?

SUPI is a three-year RCUK-funded project to create structured and strategic mechanisms for HEIs to work in partnership with secondary schools and FE colleges. This partnership working will support researchers’ direct engagement with students and bring contemporary and inspirational research contexts into formal and informal learning to enhance and enrich the curriculum.



The University of Manchester is delighted to be hosting this nationally recognised researcher leadership course.


Do you want to...

·         develop your leadership skills?

·         explore the concept of leadership?

·         build confidence in your leadership style?

·         develop and maintain a sense of direction?

·         influence people towards a common goal?

·         make a difference at the University of Manchester?


What's in it for me?

·         explore leadership both in theory and in practice

·         receive feedback on your leadership style and how you can develop it

·         learn more about your strengths and weaknesses

·         understand your personal values and how you make decisions

·         recognise your achievements and how to use these to create future success

·         understand the impact you have on those who you are leading

·         identify how these skills can benefit you in your current role

·         take a few days out from your research both physically and mentally, and have some space in which to consider yourself and your next steps


What will it involve?

·         The course will be attended by up to 36 researchers from different disciplines and career stages. The course will be led by a team of experienced facilitators who will work with you throughout the 3 days to support your learning. They will be from a variety of backgrounds with experience in leadership, academia and other sectors.

·         This course takes a ‘learning by doing' approach. There will be presentations on leadership theory, but for the most part, you will be actively participating in the sessions and activities.

·         This is an intensive 3 day non-residential course. By registering for the course you are committing to attend the course in full (from 09:00-17:15 on each day). Part attendance is not acceptable.


What other researchers say about the course:

·         96% participants would recommend this course to other researchers

·         Where to start? - it was challenging, demanding, thought provoking, informative.

·         I attended the ‘Leadership in Action' course expecting to pick up a few tips, the odd insight. I left 6 inches taller, with increased confidence, team skills and satisfaction.

·         Attending this course has been a life changing experience for me. It was very inspirational and I have recommended it to all of my colleagues and friends. The things I learnt will stay with me for the rest of my life and I know they will play a huge role in my future achievements. A big, big thank you to the tutors they were fantastic.


How to apply:

Participant numbers are strictly limited to 36. To gain a place on this prestigious course, please send an email to by 21 November explaining in no more than 150 words about why you should be selected to attend this course and develop your leadership skills.